Dixie's Puppies are here!!!!
As of this posting 09/14/2018 Dixie has had her litter. She started at 9pm the 13th and the last one was born at 3:30am the 14th. All are doing fine, she had a little bit of a rough go of it as it was her 1st litter and the knowledge of what to do was not there but with a little help she did fine. By the 3rd one she was a pro doing all as she should, motherhood took over as I knew it would.
What she had:
2 - Red Tri Females
2-Red Tri Males
3 - Red Merle Females
They are all gorgeous. Litter picture here for now. Individual pictures will not be taking until their eyes open in about 14 days so please do not ask it will not be done, just not worth it at this age. Visitation and reservations will start September 21st no one can come prior to that as they are just to delicate and mommy just not ready for visitors. If you come to pic one out prior to 5 weeks of age (and they more than likely will not last that long) remember eye color on Aussies can and most likely will change up to 5 weeks of age, body color stays just gets more enhanced with age.
Please visit the main website for additional information on the How To process, pricing and most any information you may require HoneyCreekAussies. Email or call if any questions are not answered or you desire something more.
Daisy's (Blue Merle Female) litter is still due around the 1st October...
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